Amazon Business and Volume Pricing

StoreAutomator fully supports Amazon Business pricing, which often includes special discounts. Business price should also be used when you offer volume (quantity) pricing i.e. if you want to sell products in larger/pack quantities and offer a discount for this.

You can set Business prices directly in the StoreAutomator user interface or by using bulk import files.

Via StoreAutomator UI:

1- Click Edit Product.

2- Go to the “General>Volume Pricing” tab and enter the business price.

3- Select the quantity price type. This will be defined by the volume price whether it will be “Fixed” or “Discount Percent”.

If you choose “Fixed” as the price type, your first “quantity price 1” should be higher than “quantity price 2” and so on. Also, your “quantity lower bound 1” should be lesser than “quantity lower bound 2” and so on.

So, this will be the logic you will use if you select “Fixed” as price type.

Business Price> Quantity Price 1> Quantity Price 2> Quantity Price 3>…..> Quantity Price 6

Quantity Lower Bound 1< Quantity Lower Bound 2< Quantity Lower Bound 3<…..< Quantity Lower Bound 6

Here is an example of the “Fixed” type.

If you choose “Discount Percent” as the price type, your quantity prices should be entered as a percentage. Quantity Price 1 should be the lowest value and the last quantity price should be the highest value.

So, this will be the logic you will use if you select “Discount Percentage” as price type.

Business Price> Quantity Price 6> Quantity Price 5> Quantity Price 4>…..> Quantity Price 1

Quantity Lower Bound 1< Quantity Lower Bound 2< Quantity Lower Bound 3<…..< Quantity Lower Bound 6

Here is an example of the “Discount Percentage” type.

Via Bulk File:

You can define business and volume pricing both at inventory and channel level.

Exporting Volume Pricing with Custom Export Field Selector

Channel Overrides, Exporting Volume Pricing with Custom Export Field Selector on Channel Level

You can update the volume prices and business prices with “Price Updates”.


You can also see the business and volume prices after clicking “Quantity Discounts” under the Business Price on the seller central.


  • After assigning the business price, you should provide “Quantity Price Type” and at least one of the “Quantity Price” and “Quantity Lower Bound” fields.
  • You can’t use Repricer when you are using business and volume pricing because Repricer doesn’t calculate volume pricing when defining the actual price will be sent to Amazon.

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