How To Send Specific Price Field Without Enabling Price Updates on Item Level for Amazon

If you are using another third party business to manage your regular price on Amazon and want to update different price types e.g. MSRP from within StoreAutomator you can use a special function “DontRemoveMe” to bypass your disabled price updates at the item level.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Find the product’s data template and click edit. You can click “Edit Template” from the “Actions” after selecting the product.

2- Find the “MSRP” field, in this case “list_price” field if you are using a flat file template and click edit.

3- Select “Manual” from the dropdown, add the below function to the end of the field.


4- Save the template and exit.

5- Select the related product, send force price updates and sync the channel to trigger the changes.

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