This error occurs when Amazon believes that you are violating copyright and policies about the images you are using. Amazon has specific policies about images - for example, they must be on a white background and the background should not have any writing. It will return an error message if any of its requirements are not met and these will need to be fixed.
Upload a different image that meets the following Amazon requirements:
- The image must be of the product – no drawings or illustrations are allowed.
- Don’t feature additional objects, text, graphics or inset images.
- The whole product must be in the frame
- Products should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
- Backgrounds must be pure white – RGB 255, 255, 255.
- The images must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned with realistic color. You should shoot in sRGB or CMYK color modes.
- And obviously, offensive images aren’t allowed.
After changing the images, you can use “Image Refresh” to update your images and sync the channel.