Amazon Listing Error: Batteries_Required and Supplier_Declared_dg_hz_Regulatory Errors

“Batteries_required” is required but not supplied and “Supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation” is required but not supplied. 

These errors are caused when you do not provide these attributes and their valid values to Amazon for your products. These fields are “Required” not “Optional”.

To resolve these errors, you need to enter values into your Amazon templates. You can locate this by navigating to “Settings>Templates”

Click to “Edit” and then click “Add Field”. Type “BatteriesRequired” into the search box. From the Possible Options, you can set it to “Yes” or “No”. Select the one that suits your products and type “Free Text”

The same methods are valid for “Supplier_Declared_dg_hz_Regulation”. You can follow the steps below for the “Supplier_Declared_dg_hz_Regulation” field.







Same configurations can be used for “batteries_required”. Please follow the same steps above in order to add the “batteries_required” field into your Amazon template.




If no batteries are available, you can normally set “Are Batteries Required” to "No" and “Supplier Declared Dg Hz Regulation” to "Not Applicable" (do not select "None")

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