Learn how to solve this issue by adding this field to your templates
For product types that have an expiration date, Amazon requires certain attributes to be included when creating new ASINs. These features are easy to set in StoreAutomator by adding this field to your templates.
First, you need to select the Amazon channel> “Settings>Templates” find and click “Edit” on your template for your Amazon channel and Click “Add Field” from the top right button. Next, type“isexpirationdatedproduct” in to the search box. Usually, your products will have two valid values for this field: “True” or “False”. Select “Free Text” in order to enter the valid values. Please write as it is spelled.
Alternatively, you can add this field to all of your templates.
For products with “Is Expiration Dated Product” set to “True”, the “Product Expiration Type” (see below) must also be included.
If “Is Expiration Dated Product” is set to “False”, the following additional qualifications are not required:
Product Expiration Type
Allowed values are:
Expiration Date Required - The expiration date is printed on the product packaging.
Expiration on Package - The product must be reviewed for an expiration date upon entry.
Production Date Required - The date of manufacture or manufacture is printed on the product packaging.
Shelf Life
If the “Product Expiration Type” is set to "Shelf Life", the “Fc Shelf Life” and “Fc Shelf Life Uom” fields must also be populated.
Fc Shelf Life and Fc Shelf Life Uom
“Fc Shelf Life” must be an “integer” value and “Fc Shelf Life Uom” is the unit of measure in “days”