Error Code 99002
A Product ID value (UPC, EAN, GTIN etc.) in scientific notation is not allowed in Amazon. If you are using a symbol such as a period . or plus + or using long numerical values as a Product ID you can get this error.
Enter valid Product ID in allowable format using a bulk export file. To do that:
1- Select the products and go to “Export>Export Inventory>Custom”
2- Find and select “product id and type” and click the export.
3- Download the file from the “Notifications” and open it in an excel file.
4- Change the invalid characters and make sure that your product id is compatible with its product id type. (UPC=12 digits, EAN=13 digits, GTIN=14 digits)
5- Upload the file into the SA from the top right corner.
6- Send force product data update to the products and click the sync button from the top left corner.
Or you can do this by editing the Product IDs from SA one by one. To do that:
1- Select the products and click the “edit(beta)>Inventory Product Data”
2- Find and select “Product ID”.
3- Change the invalid characters and click “Save&Close”. And make sure that your product id is compatible with its product id type. (UPC=12 digits, EAN=13 digits, GTIN=14 digits)
4- Send force product data update and click the sync button from the top left corner.