How to Create Contact Group Members and Use Notification Settings

You can set up contact lists to receive notifications for sales orders or inventory specific depending on the list you have assigned for the related setting. First, you need to create contact lists. These will be the email addresses that StoreAutomator will send notifications to. This allows you to create contact lists for certain departments within your company.

How can you create contacts and assign them to the contact lists? Here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Go to the “Settings>Contacts>External Contacts” tab and click “Add External Contact”.


2- Enter a name and email for the external contact from the opening page and click create.


Contact will be created after you click create. If you want, you can edit the external contact’s name and email anytime by clicking the edit icon or simply delete the contact.


3- After creating the contacts, go to the “Settings>Contacts>Contact Lists” tab and click “Add Contact List”.


4- Enter a name for the contact list and click create.


5- After saving the contact list, click edit.


6- Click “Add New” to add new contact members.


7- From the dropdown, select “User” for the main contact for the contact list. This will be the main email for the contact list. Then, select “External” for the secondary contact.


IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to add at least one “User” email to create the contact list successfully. 

After clicking “Save&Close” the contact list will be created. Afterwards, you need to assign this contact list depending on the purpose of notification you want. You can assign this list from “Settings>Global>Notifications Settings”.

8- After entering the notifications settings, click the notifications you want to assign to the contact list and select the contact list you’ve created.


You can also assign the same contact list for more than one notification setting.


Global Settings, Notifications Settings

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