How to Add or Delete Users from your Account

To add new users to your account, here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Go to Main Menu>Settings>Accounts>Users.

Click the “Add User” from the top right of the screen. Note: You can also see the active users in your account from here. 


2- In the pop-up window, you need to provide all of the following information:

Username: Username to log in to the system.

Email Address: Associated email address with the user

First-Last Name: First and Last Name of the user.

User Level: You can choose from these two options: Low and Normal level. You can adjust user permissions as editing user permission settings.

Main differences between low user and normal user is to access the panels like Disable Main Dashboard, Disable Channel Settings in StoreAutomator. These are the default settings for low users. If you want, you can manually give permission for these settings to the low users by clicking edit user>Permission tab. Normal users can access the above settings as default.

Password: There is an automatically generated password by the system. You can create your own password by choosing “User will create own password” if you want. The system will 

After the settings you can create the user. You will be directed to the User Menu.


After entering required information, you can create the new user for your account. You will be directed to the User Menu.

If you want to delete an user from your account, you can simply click the delete icon from the right-side.


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