How to Integrate Your ShippingEasy Account to Forward the Orders

To forward orders from StoreAutomator to ShippingEasy you first need to complete the ShippingEasy integration.
Here are the steps you need to follow: 
1- When logged into your ShippingEasy account, navigate to  “Settings”.
2- Click the “Stores & Orders” from “Integration” section.
3- Remove Active Stores if you have any and click “Add New”.
4-Select “ShippingEasy API” from the “Platform” dropdown menu.
5- Enter the store URL.
Store URL:
6- Click Save.
7- On the next page, enter “Shipment Callback Path” and complete the required fields (e.g. addresses, time zone)
Callback Path: /hooks/carrier/notification/shippingeasy/JP4E6L/32
9-Click Save.

Your integration is ready. The next order will be forwarded to ShippingEasy.

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