To forward orders from StoreAutomator to ShippingEasy you first need to complete the ShippingEasy integration.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
1- When logged into your ShippingEasy account, navigate to “Settings”.
2- Click the “Stores & Orders” from “Integration” section.
3- Remove Active Stores if you have any and click “Add New”.
4-Select “ShippingEasy API” from the “Platform” dropdown menu.
5- Enter the store URL.
Store URL:
6- Click Save.
7- On the next page, enter “Shipment Callback Path” and complete the required fields (e.g. addresses, time zone)
Callback Path: /hooks/carrier/notification/shippingeasy/JP4E6L/32
9-Click Save.
Your integration is ready. The next order will be forwarded to ShippingEasy.