How to Setup a Custom File Name Format for Your Order Export Files

In StoreAutomator you can set up a custom format for the order files that are created. To do this go to Settings>Templates, find your order template and click edit.

Within the template, switch to the “Settings” tab and this will show the File Name Format setting textbox - shown in the image below. You can input the format you would like the files to follow into this textbox, make sure to include the file extension type.

In the example below, you can see a preview of the filename next to “Out File Name”. 

This example also includes some date-time - defined within the brackets (curly braces) after the “0:” statement. 

Intuitively, y,m,d consecutively represents year, month and day. Using “yyyy” will mean the year is 4 digits e.g. 2023, “yy” would be: 23

To enter a time make sure to separate the date and time with a letter “T”, and also consecutively h,m,s represents hours-minutes and seconds. 

Actual date-time information is obtained from the StoreAutomator system from a timestamp that is issued, when a feed is created. You can use only the date or time or both or none depending on requirements. If you are regularly accumulating feeds in your FTP server, then your system will not know which one is the latest feed, in this case, including date and time information the title might be helpful for your system. By including the date in your filename, you could use this to delete old feeds from your server as part of maintenance routines.

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