How to Use Shopify Category Download Mode

This option lets you download your product categories into StoreAutomator. You can choose to get your categories from either your Shopify site Custom Collections or from your Product Types, depending on which field you are using. 


When you want to download your category data to StoreAutomator, this feature may come in handy. Shopify has two types of categories: the first one is Product Types and the second is Shopify Custom Collections. You can download these one at a time. If you download one type but change to the other, the old categories will be deleted.

Downloaded shopify categories will be displayed at the right hand side of the mapping screen (Channel>Mappings>Categories tab):


Displaying remote categories on the right hand side and your local categories on the left, you can easily map your local categories to the remote Shopify categories. With help of this mapping StoreAutomator will send your local category to the corresponding remote category; successfully mapping your local categories.

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