Purchase Order

When an order is placed from one of your suppliers (drop shippers), StoreAutomator creates the Purchase Order automatically in your account. You can find your purchase orders in the navigation panel under “Orders”.

This displays the following page:

You can filter the list by selecting one of the filter options displayed in the top left corner of the page - indicated by the number 2 (Unshipped), 3 (All) or 25 (Errors) in the screenshot above.

Here is a guide to the other information displayed on this page, indicated by the number on the screenshot.

1- Global Purchase Order: This page shows all your purchase orders, unless a filter has been applied.

2- Unshipped Tab: filter by purchase orders that havenot shipped yet.

3- All Tab: This shows unshipped and shipped purchase orders together

4- Search Bar - input a invoice number, product name etc to filter by this term

5- You can choose the way how you want to search within the dropdown.

6-You can either search purchase orders within all your suppliers or choose a specific supplier.

7- Refresh button: Refreshes the purchase order list.

8- The amount of purchase order in the page can be chosen from the dropdown list.

9- Purchase order Id is created automatically when your dropshipper receives an order from your channel. So, this purchase order id is ‘Channel order id’ for your dropshipper which can be found in their own SA account within Sales order. You can click on this id to see the details of your purchase orders. 

10- Type shows what type order they are. If a purple plane icon is showing, this means that it is a dropship order. If you move your mouse over this plane icon, as shown below, the platform will confirm this.

11- Supplier Name

12- Source Order Id: This provides a link between your purchase order and your sales order. 

If you click on order id for more details the page will be as below and you can see the source order id with a link. If you click on this, it will direct you to the sales order belonging to this purchase order.

13- Source Order Reference: This is your Sales Order’s order id. 


You can just copy this number and search in your sales orders by selecting Order Id. See the screenshot below. 

14- Status - shows the status of the order such as shipped, unshipped etc.

15- Created - shows when the order has been created.

16- Order Currency

17- Product - shows the price of what your supplier will receive from the total sales order. This is important to know if you work with a commission base rate. 

For example, if your item is $100 and you set up a 40% commission base rate in the supplier.

You will get $40 

Your brand will get $60

In your purchase orders, you will see $60 and in the sales order, you will see the total amount for the item.

18- Shipping indicates the shipping cost if there is any.

19- Discount indicates the applied discount if there is any.

20- Tax shows the tax amount if applicable.

21-Total is the total amount of your purchase order.

22-Show the amount of entries in this section.

23- Pages

24- Export orders: You can export your orders by clicking on it. After hitting on it, you can choose your preferences within the box that pops up. 

You can export your orders according to your suppliers. 

You are able to choose the date range that you want to see your order within a certain time period. You can even select the time periods with custom range feature.

You can choose the type.

You can choose by order status. You can click All, then all little boxes will be selected. 

You can unselect the “All '' and choose which kind of orders you want to see in the order report. You are able to select multiple options. 

After you set up your preferences, then click OK. 

The report will come to your notifications which is a bell icon on the top right side of the screen. Click the bell icon and download your purchase order report by clicking on “here” 

25) Error Tab. If there is an error, you can see under this tab.


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