Suppliers and Warehouses

This article explains the basic guidelines of how Suppliers and Warehouses are set up in the StoreAutomator System.


This article explains the basic guidelines of how Suppliers and Warehouses are set up in the StoreAutomator System.

  • Suppliers are companies who can have one or more warehouses,

  • Suppliers can send/receive inventory information to/from StoreAutomator automatically, through “Access API”, when enabled,

  • Warehouses only store products or items; you can see in which warehouse a product is being stored,

  • When a Supplier is created a corresponding warehouse is automatically created, but when a Warehouse is created a supplier is not created or assigned to any Supplier,

  • You can only create your own warehouse as a physical warehouse,

  • When you have an FBA supported channel (E.g., StoreAutomator automatically creates that channel’s FBA Warehouse; you can turn this warehouse on or off, depending on whether you want to use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or not,

  • When a warehouse is turned off, all products in that warehouse not only will be excluded from your inventory but also will be pulled off from the channel in the next update


You can start creating your Vendors through Suppliers.

  • When a supplier is created, its warehouse is automatically created; you can add more warehouses for that supplier later.

  • The system creates an API key to connect to the supplier and send receive inventory information.

  • When you have an FBA enabled channel in your account, StoreAutomator automatically creates that channels’ FBA Warehouse and list it in both Supplier and Warehouses.

  • Suppliers can be dropshippers or FBA Inventory managers.

> Dropshipper is a type of supplier who is able to send the product directly to the end-user from their warehouse upon receipt of an order from your store,

> FBA means Fulfilment by Amazon which is, Amazon keep your items in their own warehouse. When an order is received, they process the order and send it from their warehouse. Practically it is your warehouse on Amazon’s premises. If you have an Amazon account on StoreAutomator, the system will create FBA

  1. You can access suppliers through Menu > Inventory > Suppliers

  2. The screen is a list of suppliers you have in your account.

  3. Click on the “Add Supplier” button towards the upper right-hand corner to add Suppliers.

  4. In the dialog box “Create Supplier”, provide the name, code and choose a currency for the supplier.

  5. As of now, the type of supplier can be “Dropshipper” choose that one; other options will be added soon.

  6. Click on “Save” and “Edit”.

Code of Supplier is a short word that will refer to that supplier when viewing product information.

Editing Supplier

You can provide the supplier’s information on this screen; Name, Address, Description. Access API is a key that is used to directly connect with the supplier’s server and exchange inventory information automatically when enabled.

You can disable this communication by click on the slider once. When done click on “Save and Close”.

Note: While uploading your data to the system, in the excel file for the Main _Supplier_ID field, the value must be defined in Suppliers. If not, the system will encounter an error and end up not importing the data file provided.


Warehouses will be automatically created when you create a Supplier with the same name, code, Inventory Type, Inventory Currency, and Location address. You can create multiple warehouses and link them to a single supplier.

You can view a product’s storage warehouse from the product info page.

  1. Go to Menu > Inventory > Products start editing a product and under the “Warehouses” Tab.

  2. You can create your physical warehouse where you keep your products to be shipped.

  3. To do this go to Menu > Inventory > Warehouses and click on the “Add Warehouse” button towards the upper right-hand corner to add a new Warehouse.

  4. In the dialog box “Create Warehouse”, provide the name, code and choose a currency for the supplier.

  5. As of now, the type of supplier can be “Physical” choose that one; other options will be added soon. Click on “Save” and “Edit”.

  6. Code of Supplier is a short word that will refer to that supplier when viewing product information.

Editing Warehouses

  • You can provide Warehouse’s information on this screen; Name, Address, Description. Warehouses can be included or excluded from your inventory by simply clicking on the slider.

  • If a warehouse is excluded, then all products it contains are also excluded from your inventory. When done click on “Save and Close”.

  • You can create as many Physical Warehouses as you need. If you have an FBA channel the system already created “Third Party” Warehouses that are related to FBA Inventory Manager Suppliers.

  • These can be enabled or disabled such as other Warehouses. Disabling an FBA warehouse will take that location and all its contents offline; they will not be shown in inventory or on your sales channels.

  • You can view a warehouse’s product contents by clicking on Open Buttontowards right-hand side of that warehouse.

  • You can export the Warehouses list by clicking on “Export All Warehouse Items” towards the upper right-hand corner.

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