In this article you will find all the information about how to properly create and manage the Belk marketplace on StoreAutomator.
Step 1: Create and Connect
The first step is to create your channel and enter your credentials securely in StoreAutomator - this will establish the connection.
- These articles explains how to set up your channel: Set Up a New Channel, How to List Products on Belk
- This article explains how to connect new channel: Learn how to connect your Mirakl account and start using StoreAutomator
Step 2: Create Product Data Templates
After entering your credentials and creating your Belk account on StoreAutomator, you can start to create your product data templates. You will need to download and create each template in StoreAutomator. Each category template has different requirements and valid values.
How to Download and Create Belk Templates on StoreAutomator
Mapping the categories is important for listing on Belk. You need to map each local category to Belk remote categories because we are providing the category information through our category mapping for Belk. This is one of the main differences from other Mirakl based marketplaces where you can use category mapping rather than the valid value on the product data template.
To properly use the category mapping on StoreAutomator, you need to select the “Used Mapped Category on StoreAutomator” from the “Channel Settings>Mirakl Settings”.
Template mapping is also essential. Map the templates by dragging and dropping the local category to the template from the “Channel>Mappings>Templates”.
Step 3: Price and Quantity (Offer Templates)
You don’t need to create an offer template for Belk. If you’ve already filled our predefined fields quantity and price for each SKU, their offer feed will be sent to the channel after you’ve included them into the channel. If you’ve updated their price and quantity information, you can send force price or quantity updates to the channel to update or add the offers faster on Belk.
Force Update Types-Price Updates
Force Update Types-Quantity Updates
Step 4: Enable the Channel and Synchronize
The final step is to enable the channel main sync and update types. Navigate to “Channel>Channel Settings>Common” to send any feed to the remote channel.
If you don’t see some of the switches and settings on your channel settings page, please contact so that we can enable these settings for you.
Enable Updates-Product Data Update
Enable/Disable Inventory Update
When all templates, template mappings and channel settings are ready, you are ready to push the product data and publish the listings on Belk.
Check the products status in StoreAutomator for the Belk channel - , if they are in “Published” status and have four green boxes in the Status tab (see above image), you can then send quantity or price updates and sync the channel.
Key points:
- You need to remember that even if you sent product data updates and created the product on Belk, you can only add the offers to them when the product will be reviewed by the catalog team and accepted. This process may take 24-48 hours.
- Before including the products in the channel, make sure that you’ve completed the template mapping. Otherwise, your product won’t be created on Belk.
- Please, check the required fields on the downloaded Excel file before creating the templates on StoreAutomator. They can be changed for each template.
- You need to complete category mapping on SA and map our defined field “MainCategoryMap” into the templates. We are sending the categories through category mapping.
- You don’t need to send both quantity and price updates to the channel to add offers, because they are basically the same offer template which contains both price and quantity values.
- You need to add replacements for the NRF Color and NRF size codes. Belk only accepts colors and sizes with codes.
How to Download Valid NRF Color Codes and NRF Size Codes from Belk Seller Central?
How to find the corresponding nrfcolor and nrfsize of your data for the Belk channel