Quick Tips to Publish Your Product Listings on Belk

Pay attention to what is shared below when setting up your template to list your products successfully on Belk.


  1. NrfColorCodes must be entered correctly according to the NRF Color Code guide.  provided by Belk. Any custom field can be used on templates to push this data to Belk.


  1. NrfSizeCodes must be entered correctly according to Category Level NRF Size guide provided by Belk. Any custom field can be used on templates to push this data to Belk.


  1. VendorColorDescription field is required. Any string data will be accepted by Belk. Any custom field can be used on templates to push this data to Belk. We recommend adding free text "N/A" in the template as a second source, so if the custom field is empty, N/A will be sent and you will not get an error message because this field was empty.


  1. Material field is required as well. Only valid values are accepted by Belk. Please find the valid values in the Field mapping page of the Material field.


Any custom field can be used on templates to push this data to Belk. We recommend adding free text "N/A" in the template as a second source, so if the custom field is empty, N/A will be sent and you will not get an error message because this field was empty.

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