You need to find the correct shipping template id of your products in order to create products properly on Etsy. You can easily find your shipping template id number by going to one of your active listings and getting the shipping template id which is attached at the end of the url link of your listing.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
1. Login your Etsy seller central account and go to “Settings>Shipping Settings>Shipping Profiles”
2. Click to the number next to the Shipping Profile name under “Active Listings” section. This number is a link so right click to it and open in a new tab.
3. If you look at the end of the URL, this address contains the Shipment Template ID as the “Shipping_Profile_ID:XXXXXXXXX”. This number will be mapped into the Etsy template on StoreAutomator.
You can refer to the article below to learn which fields are required to create listings on Etsy.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Shipping Template you want to use has no active listings on your Etsy shipping profiles, the number will be 0 and you will be unable to open a link to get the shipping template id number. If this is the case, you need to manually assign at least one product to the shipping template you want to use in your Etsy account, and then you will be able to get the URL with the Template ID number at the end of the link by using the above method.