Etsy Template Setup

To create new listings on Etsy, you need to send specific fields. You can do this by creating a template and mapping the remote (Etsy) fields with StoreAutomator local fields. You don’t need to add and map the basic fields (SKU, product id, Quantity, Price e.g) because we are already sending them by default.

Below are the required fields that need to be added to the Etsy Template:

  • When_made: You need to provide at least one of the valid values. Valid Values are: "made_to_order, 2020_2022, 2010_2019, 2002_2009, before_2002, 2000_2001, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1800s, 1700s, before_1700"
  • Who_made: You need to provide at least one of the valid values. Valid Values are: “i_did, collective, someone_else”

IMPORTANT NOTE: Products won't be created if the required fields above aren't supplied to Etsy.


Additional Fields that you can map:

  • Tags-Etsy Keywords (Bulletpoints): You can map the bulletpoints to the Tag remote field. If you are using a custom field that contains the bulletpoints, please map the custom field to the remote field.
  • Materials: These fields must contain only letters, spaces or underscores. Therefore, please don’t use integer values in it.
  • Recipient (Target Gender): Please use one of the valid values. Valid Values are: “men, women, unisex_adults, teen_boys, teen_girls, teens, boys, girls, children, baby_boys, baby_girls, babies, birds, cats, dogs, pets, not_specified”


IMPORTANT NOTE: You can send one of the valid values as “free text” value if Etsy requires it on that specific field instead of using custom fields.

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