How to Export Specific Order Reports

 If you would like to create a report that you can export and use outside the StoreAutomator. You can easily create a separate report for each sales order via Store Automator, or you can select the sales orders you want and create a report only for the relevant orders. 


  1. Please open navigation panel and select “Orders”
  2. Select “Sales Orders” under the Orders
  3. Select any tab which you want to export a report
  4. Mark the sales orders that are requested  to be included in the report
  5. Click “Export Orders” button

A Pop-Up page will appear after you completed the steps shared above.


  1. You can request different type of reports by selecting under the “Type” tab

Report Types

  1. Compact
  2. Flat
  3. Items
  4. Tax Info
  5. Item Details

You can get detailed information about the order report types from the articles below.

What are the Differences of the Order Export Types

Export Order Reports

2) You should mark the Include addresses box if you want shipping addresses include in the report

3) Click “OK” button. Your report will be created and be downloadable under notification.

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