What are the Differences of the Order Export Types

StoreAutomator platform allows you to export your orders in a variety of different file formats. 

You can see the export types in the image below, with detailed explanations.


  • Compact File Type

When you select the compact type, your order details will be displayed as in the orders table which means that you can see all the fields displayed on the “order detail” page of the selected order, in bulk.


  • Flat File Type

When you select the flat type, order details will be displayed with the basic product details such as title, SKU in the exported file. 


  • Items File Type

When you select the item's file type, your order details will be displayed as sold product quantity, price fields and with its shipping statuses.


  • Tax Info Type

When you select the Tax Info type, your order will be displayed to its tax class ids between states and total sales.


  • Item Details Type

When you select the Item Details type, your order will be displayed with the basic product details in addition to its custom fields and category in StoreAutomator.


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