Export Order Reports

Find valuable data and insights regarding order performance.

Order Reports

There are order specific reports located in the orders menu by clicking “Export Orders”.

Reporting Options menu has the following Options: Date range, Types, and Status.

Date Range filters the report for a specific date range.


eCommerce Order Reports



  • Compact: Shows the info displayed in the orders table

  • Flat: Provides an itemized list of sold product’s details.

  • Items: Provides an Itemized list of sold product Quantity and price totals

  • Tax Info: Displays total sales for specific tax class ids and sales distribution amongst each State.

Filter Orders


Order Status filters the orders by Status.

Order Reporting


After finishing selecting export criteria click on OK to prepare a report. A notification will appear in the notifications area and click on the link to download the report. The prepared report will be in an Excel file format.

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