Connect a ShipStation Account

Connect your ShipStation Account

In order to forward your orders to ShipStation, you need to create a ShipStation connection. Please make the connection before you get any orders. If the connection is not made, StoreAutomator cannot forward any orders, and preceding orders are not automatically forwarded to your ShipStation account. If you perform the setup after you received orders, please contact support to start order forwarding from the beginning.

  1. Go to Menu > Settings > Carriers

  2. Click on the Add Account button towards the right

  3. Choose the carrier type as ShipStation, then click Next

  4. Enter the necessary information for the ShipStation account

  5. Click create button

Now, you need to connect ShipStation to your channel as an order forwarding target. Once your carrier account is ready and connected, then you can enable order forwarding from your channel to ShipStation. For example, you would like to set up order forwarding for Amazon channel:

  1. Switch to the Amazon channel as your active channel

  2. Go to Menu > Amazon Channel > Settings > Common > Order Forwarding Tab

  3. Check “Enable Order Forwarding”

  4. Choose your ShipStation store from the Order Receivers list

  5. Check “Get Tracking” if you process your orders on ShipStation and want StoreAutomator to collect order tracking information.

  6. Click the Save button in the lower right corner.



Please note that Shipstation webhooks will not be triggered for fulfillments – either through a fulfillment partner like FBA/Shipwire or one created by using the mark as Shipped action. If you use these methods to mark your orders shipped, StoreAutomator cannot receive the tracking information.

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