Create Kits and Bundles

4. A pop-up box will appear with the fields needed to create the kit as a new product:

5. Using the first field, the parentage should be set as ‘Single’ as this will be used to create a kit of products to be sold as a single product.

6. After setting the parentage to ‘Single,’ additional fields will appear. Next, the product type should be set to ‘Kit.’

7. Under product type is a field for the barcode, which is assigned by the user

8. The field beneath the barcode is used to assign a Brand Name to this product (the kit),

9. After assigning a Brand Name, the product name can be assigned,

10. The next field is used to determine if the SKU will be auto-populated or manually entered,

11. When Auto SKU is unchecked, another field will appear to allow the SKU to be manually entered. Click the blue-button labeled ‘Next’ to continue,

12. This screen is where the contents of the kit and the price of the complete kit are selected

Creating the Kit Products

1. Choose the products that will make up the kit's contents using the ‘Search Product Box.’ Use this field to add each product that is to be included in the kit:

2. Determine the price of this new product. Note that the system dynamically calculates the total cost of the products in the kit:

3. The price of the kit can be set as a Fixed Price or as a percentage of the Dynamic Actual or Dynamic Regular price

4. When Fixed Price is selected, any price can be entered as the final price of the kit regardless of the cost, regular price, or sales price

When Dynamic Actual Price is selected, the system will display the total “Dynamic Actual Price.”

  • Dynamic means it’s been auto-populated (and is continually adjusted) based on the prices of each product in the kit in real-time.

  • Actual Price means the calculation is based on each product's actual price in the kit in real-time (actual price could be a sale price or a regular price).

When this option is selected, a percentage can be entered. This percentage will be used to determine how much the system will discount this kit based on the Dynamic Actual Price of each product in it:

When a percentage is entered, the Total Price shown at the top of the page will be updated to reflect the new final price of the kit.

When Dynamic Regular Price is selected, the system will display the total “Dynamic Regular Price” (when not on sale).

  • Dynamic means it’s been auto-populated (and is continually adjusted) based on each product's prices in the kit in real-time.

  • Regular Price means the calculation is based on each product's regular price in real-time (Kit price is not affected by the discounts on individual kit items).

When this option is selected, a percentage can be entered. This percentage will be used to determine how much the system will discount this kit based on the Dynamic Regular Price of each product in it.

When a percentage is entered, the Total Price shown at the top of the page will be updated to reflect the new final price of the kit

5. When all data is complete, click Create (but note that the individual products that make up this kit cannot be edited once the kit is created)

6. Next, click Edit to see other aspects of the kit (which is now a new product) that can be edited

7. You can now edit other aspects of this new product using the tabs presented:

Each of these tabs is reviewed in detail in a chapter titled: Manually Entering A New Product. The only tab not covered in that chapter is labeled ‘Kit Items’ because it only appears for kits. This is where the contents of the kit can be viewed (but contents cannot be edited):

8. When all tabs have been completed, and the product is ready for sale, click Save & Close.

Important: Stock levels are pulled from each item to make the kit. For example, if a kit calls for 2 red lipsticks and the inventory only reflects 1, you will only be able to sell 1 of those kits. As soon as the number of red lipsticks reaches 0, the kit will also reflect a quantity of 0.

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