Manually Enter a New Product

You can create your product manually in the StoreAutomator system.

Products’ can be found when the navigation panel is expanded by clicking the plus sign that appears to the right of the word ‘Inventory’:

1. Click on the word ‘Products.’

2. To enter a new product, locate and click the ‘Add Product’ button:

A pop-up box will appear with all the fields needed to enter the product info

3. First, choose a ‘Type.’ A product should be listed as a PARENT if there are variations of that exact product. A product should be listed as a SINGLE if there are no variations of that exact product.

Note that the available field options will change depending on the ‘Type’ of the product chosen.



4. When all applicable information is filled in, click ‘Create.’

5. To add additional information to a product, the pencil icon to the right of the product information should be clicked:

There are multiple tabs available within the ‘General’ tab: Identity, Pricing, Quantity, Availability, Warehouse, Meta & Notes.

The options available under the ‘Identity’ tab are:

>Product Name – Name of the product

>Slug – This field would be used if you have also connected your own online store. It is the product’s identifying URL segment.

>Brand – Name of the product’s brand

Scroll down to see more:

>Barcode Type – You’ll want to choose one: UPC, EAN, ISBN, GCID, ASIN & GTIN

>Barcode – Enter the associated barcode (matching the type you chose above

>Mfg. Code – Enter the original manufacturer code for the product

> When all fields are complete, you can move onto the ‘Pricing’ tab (still within the General Tab)

> The first available field is labeled ‘Cost.’ There is a switch to the right of the word ‘Cost,’ allowing you to toggle between ‘Set’ and ‘Not Set.’ When toggled to ‘Set,’ a field appears, allowing for the actual product cost to be entered.

> The next field is the price. When toggled to ‘Set,’ a field appears, allowing for the product's regular price to be entered.

> Under ‘Price’, you will find ‘Sale Price.’ When toggled to ‘Set,’ a field appears, allowing for the ‘Sale Price’ of the product to be entered. This field should only be used if & when there is a sale on this item.

> When a Sale Price is set, the option to set a Start and/or End date for sale will appear as well:

> A bit lower is ‘MSRP.’ When toggled to ‘Set,’ a field appears, allowing for the MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price) to be entered. Although not mandatory, using this field can help improve reporting capabilities.

> Next is MAP or Minimum Advertised Pricing. When toggled to ‘Set,’ a field will appear to allow the MAP price to be entered.

Note: The product supplier or manufacturer should be consulted to determine if MAP is required for this (or any) product.

The last option on this page is Taxes. This field is used to notate if the product is taxable or not taxable:

> When all fields are complete (and double-checked), move onto the ‘Quantity’ tab (still within the General Tab)

> In the quantity tab, the product quantity can be entered, and the Inventory Warning Level can be set. When the Inventory Warning Level is set, a notification will be sent when inventory levels reach this set number:

Moving on to the ‘Availability’ tab (still within the General Tab):

> There are 3 main options. Force Stock Status is a way to force a product to appear Out of Stock or In Stock regardless of the actual quantity on hand.

> Beneath that are the fields necessary to set whether a product is Orderable (despite other settings) and whether a product has been discontinued or not.

> Next is the ‘Warehouse’ tab (still within the general tab):

> ‘Location’ is a field used to record any applicable notes regarding the item’s location (For internal use only – will not be displayed publicly):

> ‘Unit of Content’ is a field provided to inform the Store Automator system what unit of measurement the product is being sold in (i.e., By the Piece, By the Ounce, By the Inch, etc.).

> The field labeled ‘Amount of Content’ is used to set how many ‘Units of Content’ make up each ‘Product.’ For instance, a single listing for one type of lipstick might come with 2 pieces meaning that purchasing 1 of these listing will get the buyer 2 “pieces” (in this case pieces translates to “tubes of lipstick”) of the same kind of lipstick.

> Item Package Quantity represents the number of individually packaged items contained within this single product:

> Number of Items represents the numbers of discrete items included, such that the items are not packaged for individual resale:

The next field is labeled ‘Item Weight.’ The default unit of measurement in ounces (oz), so the weight entered here should be recorded in ounces.

The next are fields labeled Item Width, Item Height, and Item Length. Note that the default unit of measurement for the width, height, and length of the product is set to inches, so the amounts listed here should be recorded in inches.

Tip: If you’re having trouble translating your unit of measurement into inches, you can Google ‘Measurement Converter’ to find many helpful tools such as

> The next tab (within the general tab) is the ‘Meta’ tab. Metadata is used to tell search engines, such as Google, what a specific webpage (or element thereof) is all about. For the Title field, enter a custom title to be used in the associated web page's HTML element. For the Meta Description, enter a custom description of 20-50 words (based on an average word length of 5 characters):

> In the Meta Keywords field, enter keywords separated by commas.

> The last tab (within the general tab) is the ‘Notes’ tab. The notes tab is for internal use only & will not be shown to the public:

> When all sub-sections of the General Tab have been filled in, ‘Save & Edit’ should be clicked:


The second main tab is labeled ‘Category’:

All previously created categories can be seen by fully expanding the file tree. With the file tree fully expanded, the categories applicable to this specific product can be selected by placing a checkmark in the box to the left of the category name:

Under Selected Categories on the right side of the screen, the main category can be appointed for this product by clicking the circle to the left of any one (1) category name:

The next tab is labeled Images. In this section, all images associated with this product can be uploaded.

> Images can be uploaded by either Dropping files into the ‘Drop files to upload’ box or by clicking within that same box to select a local file:

> Images can also be included by entering the URL of the image in the box on the screen's right side. After each URL has been added, the ‘Send’ button needs to be clicked to complete the upload:

> Once all required images have been uploaded to the product, scrolling a little lower will show the option to either choose the default Thumbnail image or to select an image for deletion.

Save & Edit’ should be clicked before continuing:

> The next tab is labeled ‘Video’:

> The URL of any online video can be entered here. The ‘Send’ button needs to be clicked after each URL is entered to complete the upload:

> To delete a video, either place a checkmark in the box to the left of the video and then click ‘Delete Selected’ OR click the trash can icon to the video's right. ‘Save & Edit’ should be clicked before switching screens.

Note: This tab is available only for the parent.


> The fifth main tab is ‘Custom Fields.’ Creating custom fields is explained in a separate chapter:

The sixth tab is labeled ‘Description’:

> The top section is for the general (more long-form) description, which needs to be entered here just as it is to appear on the public product listing:

The lower section is for the short description, which needs to be entered here just as it is to appear on the public product listing:


> The seventh tab used when uploading a product is labeled Tags. This tab is explained in a separate chapter:

*Used to differentiate between different attributes of a product.

The final tab used when uploading a product is labeled Aliases. This tab is explained in a separate chapter:

Note: Be sure to ‘Save & Close’ when all fields are complete.

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