DX Channels / Channel Reports

Channel Reports

Channel Reports obtains reports from supported channels (Amazon, Ebay Walmart) and forwards the report either to an FTP site or to a predefined emailing list.

To set this up, please follow these steps;

  • Navigate to Tools> DX Channel from the navigation menu on the left pane.


  • Click “+ Add DX Channel” on the top right of the screen.


  • Choose the provider for the Channel Report and then provide the name you want to use for the DX Channel then hit the “Create” button.



To send reports to a remote source, “Connection settings” must be completed; click the Connection settings button to add an FTP connection or an email list, or both. An FTP connection must be added to Settings>Connections prior to the selection in this menu or you can click on the Edit Connections button to easily navigate to the “Add a Connection” page. After setting up and selecting the correct FTP site, your Target directory for Channel report purposes must be entered. 

You can choose to receive these reports via email, in that case StoreAutomator will send reports to a predefined email distribution list which can be selected from a drop down menu next to the “Notification Emails” text box. If you don’t have a predefined contact list you can click on “Edit Contact Lists” button to define one. Before enabling the connection, FTP connection settings must be completed and saved.


Next report settings must be completed, to do that navigate to 

Tools> Channel Reports>Settings>Report Settings


First, you must select a report source from available sources, next select the report type you are interested in, third select report sending frequency and lastly type the report filename format desired. Provided reports are downloaded from sources and are limited to the lists provided in the drop down menus. 


In the below example the source is Amazon US, report type is FBA Returns Report, report frequency is once a day, and filename to be amazon_fba_returns_202310090934,csv and it is being sent to a folder called /20231009. If the folder doesn’t exist it will be created. 


Next, click on Data Exchange to change settings about this operation:

  • Channel name is the channel’s display name, that was provided earlier,
  • Enable or Disable Sync Enabling will execute the job within the set parameters. When enabled, the channel’s indicator turns to green,
  • Enable Daily schedule, will set up a time, which StoreAutomator will connect to the import channel and download data daily.

Make sure to click on the StoreAutomatorve button to StoreAutomatorve your work, and the system takes you back to the list of DX Channels.


If StoreAutomator can establish a connection link with the remote channel, an orange square can be seen next to the channel name; this turns into a green square when the Sync switch is enabled (Settings>Data Exchange). If there is missing information and a connection cannot be established, a red square is visible; you must go back and correct connection information at this point.



StoreAutomator performs jobs at the designated times. Source file will be sought, and if found, the job will be performed. StoreAutomator will create a job report after processing the feed, which can be found in, Tools> Import> Import History.

Data eXchange (DX) Channels

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