The images zip file is prepared as the regular upload file, click here to view the article. One important thing is, in the zip file, pictures and the excel file must be in the root folder.
When your zip file is ready, you can upload the zip file to your FTP site.
How to setup the DX channel
Go to Tools>DX Channels,
Click on "Add DX Channel",
Select "FTP Channel",
Enter a Name for this channel and Click on Create,
Click on Settings for this channel towards the right-hand side, and select 'FTP Connection'
In this dialog box enter the server URL address, user name and password
if required from your end, fill in the import folder and specify a folder for process files. StoreAutomator always moves the file from the import folder to the processed folder, also puts a result report for the processes file.
When finished save the information.
If the FTP site information is correct the channel lamp will turn to green color.
Copy the pictures file to the FTP site
When ready, click on the Download button to start the download,
After clicking on the download button follow up with the FTP program, as the system will add a result file after processing the zip file.
Also, you can check import's progress from the import history that is located at Tools>Import.