Bulk Image Import File

You can bulk upload product images to the StoreAutomator System with the help of bulk action files.

StoreAutomator has the ability to import and execute bulk action files prepared to perform a specific purpose. Bulk image upload is available in the StoreAutomator system. You can bulk upload product images to the StoreAutomator System with the help of bulk action files.

To bulk upload your images, you need to prepare a ZIP file which consists of an index file and all image files that were mentioned in the index file and upload to the system. For the Index file, provide below listed header names; and make sure to write the same exact image file name with its extension within the index file. Store Automator accepts .xlsx, .csv, .txt, .zip file formats for the index file. The ZIP file size should not exceed 100MB.

The 1st header must say: productdata.sku

Image_url_1 field must be included at a minimum of uploading 1 image.








Required field for importing images.


The name of the image file as appears in the zip file, include file extension. “X” represents the source number.


Example: “Eve01.jpg”, Section001.png

All images must be in the root folder of the ZIP file.

Max.250 characters each file name incl. Extension, 1<X<10


Image file types to be .JPG, .PNG


Example Feed file

See below a snapshot of the zip file “importbulkimages-US.zip” which includes an excel file and image files, as an example of how to create a zip file for the purpose of uploading images.



The excel file serves as the index file for image importing. Below is a snapshot of the Excel file. The first cell must be "productdata.sku" and the second header is "image_url_1" which includes the image file names with extension. If you would like to import more images, feel free to include picture names in the next upcoming image_url_2, etc... Make sure that, the image file name in the excel file exactly matches the image file names in the zip file folder.

All images must be included in the roof folder of the zipfile; no subfolders allowed.



Bulk image uploading uses the same methods as Product Data importing; meaning you can include all other fields that are mentioned in the product data bulk uploading file; for more information please refer to document Import Fields

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