Bulk Product Import Fields

Import massive amount of Data in your Inventory with a single file.

Bulk import is an ideal way to import massive amount of data into StoreAutomator System; just adhere to the file format, field designations, syntax and system accepted values.

File Format: Provide all column names in English for proper addressing of your feed. Store Automator accepts .xlsx, .csv, .txt, .zip file formats. The file size should not exceed 100MB. First header must be "productdata.sku"; this is a command that sets the feed's purpose to create or update products in the inventory.

Field Designations: Fields must be entered as shown here, lowercase with underscores. Click to download the sample Product Data Specs File.

Feed progress: After uploading your feed you can see its progress from the list located at Tools>Import>Import History. From the list find the feed and click on the result button to see if there are any errors or warnings. If there are errors, please check our guide on how to handle feed errors.


General List of Fields:

Required Fields

Category Assignment fields

Variation Fields

Image Fields

Data Fields

Custom Fields

Kit Creation Fields

Price fields

Additional Data Fields


Required Fields to Create Products Required Fields to Create Products

Below is a list of Required Fields for the system to create products. This is the bare minimum information required to create products in your Inventory.






Max, 50 characters


Product Name

Max, 150 characters


Product description

Max, 5000 characters


Brand Name

Max, 100 characters, brand name to be created if it doesn’t exist


Regular price



When these fields are included in the feed file, the importer works in Create mode; and unless all the fields are included, or if the Importer is able to find the SKU in the database, then the importer works in Update mode.

If you want to take advantage of advanced features like parentage, kit creation, custom field creation, repricer, and dashboard PNL analysis, you also can provide those fields that are applicable in a Product Create type feed.


Category Assignment fields

Categories can be assigned to products by using productdata.sku, title, brand_name and category_x field. Categories can be assigned by a Create type feed. Below table lists all category assignment fields.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


Your category codes which are assigned by yourself

Multiple category codes must be seperated by the comma (','). Example: AA01, AA02


Categories, path separated by ‘>’ sign

Max. 250 characters each You can add upto 5 category columns where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: category_1 Example value: 'Electronics > Mobile Phones > Accessories ' If any category branch does not exist on our system, it will be created


All marketplaces require categories, so as all the shopping carts. Depending on the category, and the category mapping, StoreAutomator sends the correct product_type to the marketplace.


Variation Fields

Use productdata.sku and below fields to define Parent-Child relationships or product groups. Variation creation should be done with a Create type feed; that means all of the productdata.sku, title, brand_name and price fields should be included in the feed. Below is a list of fields that are required.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


If this product is a variation parent put "Parent" If this product is a varitaion put "Child"

Can be left empty for single products


Option types for the variations Color, Size, Scent, Type, etc

If the product has multiple variation types separate by comma Example: 'Color, Size'


Variation option combination for the specific product

Multiple values must be separated by comma Order of the options must be the same as the order of the variation types. Example: 'Red,M'


Parent product sku. Use if this product is a child.

Max. 50 characters Must refer to a line with the Parentage column set to 'Parent'


StoreAutomator has the ability to create Parent products in its database, even if parent product data were not provided in the feed file. As a result, if you have the data for your parent products, the Parent Product must be listed before its children. Otherwise the system may create an incorrect parent product that may require correction later.

Below picture is a good example of how parent-child products should be defined in a feed file. This feed is intended to create products and assign parent-child relationships to them. Note that, parent comes first, all create fields are included (brand name, title, description and price) as well as parentage fields, Parent does not have a variation_options and parent_sku, and child product's parentage is "Child", variation options is different for all and parent_sku points to the parent sku.




Image Fields

Use productdata.sku and image_url_X field to upload images via URL address. Image fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.






Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


A valid web address where we can download the product image

Max. 250 characters each You can add upto 10 image columns where x changes between 1 and 10 Please start with http:// or https:// Example header: image_url_1



(Usage associated with image uploading Zip file)

The name of the image file appears in the zip file, including a file extension. “X” represents the source number.

Example: “Eve01.jpg”, Section001.png

All images must be in the root folder of the ZIP file.

Max.250 characters each file name incl. Extension, 1<X<10

Image file types to be..JPG, PNG


Assigns a label to the Xth image.

1<X<10. Image labels are used to include /exclude pictures to channels.


Sets an image update mode for product, values: replace, append and remove

Replace, replaces all images in the database starting from the first one. Append, adds more images after the last image in the database. Remove, removes the selected images from the system, but the last image cannot be removed, as there must be at least one image left in the system.


For defining swatch images



StoreAutomator uses labels to include or exclude images to channels. For example, image “img_amazon.png” is for Amazon only. In this case enter “amazon” to its label and upload the image. Later, in Amazon channel settings, in Content tab, you can find this label under “include by label” list, and selecting it will include all pictures with this label in Amazon channel.

Image_update_mode is for replacing old images, appending new images without deleting old images, and removing select images from the product. Removing cannot delete all images, as there must be at least one image left in the system.

Bulk image uploading via ZIP file: If you want to import images in bulk via a ZIP file please refer to bulk image uploading article.


Data fields

Use productdata.sku and below fields to import any fields that you have data for. Data fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.







Max. 50 characters,

to be at column A only


Barcode or Specific product id.



Item barcode or specific prodcut id type. You should select a type which is one of 'upc', 'ean', 'isbn', 'asin', 'gcid', 'gtin' or 'epid'.

Should be select one of

these types. Can be left empty for default value

which is 'upc'.


Picks up and inserts the item condition value from DB

Values are: New, Used, refurbished,


Product shot description



Product state about published on channels.Units are 'yes','no','true','false'



Item is discontinued or not. Units are 'yes','no','true','false'

Should be select one of

these units. Can be left

empty for default value

which is 'false'.





Item width



Item length



Item height



Item weight



Package width



Package length



Package height



Package weight



Item amount of content

For example for 100ml perfume, write:100 and ml goes to unit_of_content


If SKU is packed, this is the number of items in the package

Example: 5 pack socks,

it is 5


Total number of items sold

Example: 5 pack socks,

it is 10


item unit of content.

Possible values:


'fl oz','l','ml','gal','inch',





Should be one of these

units. Can be left empty

for default value which is 'pcs'.


Item's warehouse location



Item is orderable or not. Units are 'yes','no','true','false'



Manufaturer code



meta title



meta description

Enter a custom description

of 30-50 words (based on

an average word length of

5 characters)


meta keywords

Enter keywords separated with commas


Put 'Update' or Leave empty to update the product Put 'Delete' to delete an existing product

Although a feed can


and DELETE operations

at the same time we recommend that you

create individual feeds

for each operation


for your notes, visible to all users



Forces the stock to: out of stock or amounts 1 to 200

Acceptable values: out_of_stock, in_stock_1, in_stock_3, in_stock_5, in_stock_10, in_stock_20, in_stock_50, in_stock_100


Specifies the main supplier warehouse, where the items will be shipped out from.



Switch allows Item-based product updates.

Values: Yes, no, true, false


Brand code value, some users might have multiple brands codes



This adds qty_adjust value to current Quantity value

Negative values decrease

the quantity


search terms



for slug address



Sets the Inventory warning level, if quantity goes below this value an email will be sent



A valid web address where we can download the product videos, x represents the source number,

Max.250 characters each.

Up to 10 URLs. URLs to

start with http:// or https://

E.g. header: video_url_1, video_url_2


Custom Field Entering

Use productdata.sku and below fields to import any custom fields that you may have. Custom fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


Custom field name A custom field x consists of name and value columns, named attr_name_x and attr_value_x Use as pairs like: attr_name_1 | attr_value_1 , attr_name_2 | attr_value_2 ...

Max. 50 characters Only English letters, numbers and dash accepted. No spaces allowed. You can define multiple custom fields by increasing x starting from 1 Example header: attr_name_1 Example value: 'model-year'


Value associated with the custom field x

Max. 250 characters Example header: attr_value_1 Example value: '1977'


Use the “attr_name_X” field to define the name of the custom field, and use the “attr_value_X” field to import the value. “Attr_name_1” and “attr_value_1” must be used as pairs to import a single custom field.

Custom data importing fields must have unique identifiers; If there are two “attr_name_1” fields in the feed file, the importer will exit with error: “Invalid Data file” without importing any fields.


Kit Creation Fields

Use productdata.sku, title, brand_name, description and below fields to create kits from scratch in bulk quantities. Kit creation fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


Defines kit’s price calculation method

Values: dynamic-actual, dynamic-regular and fixed


Defines the SKUs that goes into this kit



Defines the quantity for the member SKU. Must an integer. e.g.:1,2,3...



Defines the BOM value for the SKU, in decimals. 

e.g.: 1.678951832




Product Name

Max, 150 characters


Brand Name

Max, 100 characters, brand name to be

created if it doesn’t exist


Regular price



Kits are defined as part of the standard Product Data Import feed file, with each kit occupying a single line. Use the “kit_item_sku_X” field to specify the SKUs that go into this kit and use the “kit_item_quantity_X” field to define how many of this SKU goes into the kit. There can be a maximum of 10 different SKUs in a kit. “kit_item_sku_X” and “kit_item_quantity_X” fields must be used as pairs to define contents of a kit.

If you have a kit that contains only one master SKU, and another kit that contains 10 master SKUs, you can include both in the same import file, just leave the relevant fields empty.

It is possible to form a kit and put kits into it. In this case one should pay attention to kit circular reference problems; not to put a kit into another kit, that the inner kit is also the outer kit.

Kit children creation is also possible, if you include variation creation fields (Parentage, variation_types, variation_options, parent_sku) in the same file; for child SKUs parentage must be "child". Including SKUs in kit_item_sku and kit_item_quantity is enough for creating kits.

Using “kit_price_type” field needs another field called “Price”. By using them together, you can define how to calculate a kit’s price by giving values to “kit_price_type” field:

Dynamic-actual: Use this setting to calculate price from Channel Actual Price with a percentage entered to the “price” field; actual_price times the value in “price” field of the feed file. Actual_price is your current sales price that is active on a channel with repricer. If you use this setting and don’t have a repricer this value falls back to dynamic-regular price,

Dynamic-regular: Use this setting to calculate price from regular price with a percentage entered to the “price” field; regular_price times the value in “price” field of the feed file,

Fixed: Use this setting to set kit’s price to a fixed value, as defined in the “price” field of the feed file. By default kit_price_type is set to "fixed".

If you prefer to assign prices to your kits, it is best that you leave this field excluded form your feed file.


Price Fields

Use productdata.sku and below fields to import any price field into StoreAutomator. Price fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


If need be, you can enter various currencies in the same feed.

If you use currency the system requires a currency for all lines. E.g: CAD, GBP, etc...


Unit cost of the product

Used by the dashboard and repricer to calculate the profit margin


Sale price if the item is on sale



Start date of the item sale price

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD


End date of item sale price

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD


Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price



Minimum Advertised Price



Tax percentage or Tax Class Id

Examples for rates: 15% , 15 Example tax class id: 2001234


Allows you to assign a business price for wholesale

Must be: business_price<price



Allows you to assign prices for quantity limits. This is useful for wholesale, if you are selling high quantities for less money.

E.g: $50 for up to 10 ea., $40 for up to 100 ea., $20 for up tp 1000 ea.


Values: Fixed, system sends the value in quantity_lower_bound_X,

Percentage, system calculates the final price by multiplying regular_price and the percentage value in quantity_lower_bound_X.



Defines the price for the quantity specified in the matched quantity_lower_bound_X field.

Up to 5 Prices. Quantity_price_x and quantity_lower_bound_X must be used in pairs.


Defines the quantity for the Price specified in the matched quantity_price_X field.

Up to 5 quantities.


Price fields are used by repricer or for business price related settings.


Additional Amazon Data Fields

Use productdata.sku and below fields to import any Additional Amazon Data fields that you may have. Additional Data fields can be imported both in create or update importer mode.







Max. 50 characters, to be at column A only


Bullet Point (Mainly used by Amazon)

You can add upto 5 bullet_point_x where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: bulletpoint_1


Search Term (Mainly used by Amazon)

You can add upto 5 search_term_x where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: search_term_1


Used For (Mainly used by Amazon)

You can add upto 5 used_for_x where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: used_for_1


Other Item Attribute (Mainly used by Amazon)

You can add upto 5 other_attribute_x where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: other_attribute_1


Target Audience (Mainly used by Amazon)

You can add upto 5 target_audience_x where x changes between 1 and 5 Example header: target_audience_1


Other marketplaces such as Walmart, Newegg also use these fields, it is encouraged to upload these fields if you have.

Click to download Product Data Specs File

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