How to Solve: Product IDs Displaying Incorrectly In StoreAutomator

Spreadsheet software will open with certain settings - either their defaults or personal settings you have chosen. As a result, this may affect your product data in StoreAutomator, especially product ids, as shown in the image below: where you can see that the truncated field has been used.


When editing product ids in your spreadsheet, it's important to convert the related product id from column to text and comma separated.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Select the product and go to “Export>Custom…”


2- Find and export the “Product Id” field from the identity tab.


3- Download the file from the “Notifications” from the top right.


4- Open the file, select the “product_id” column and click the “Data>Text to Columns”.


5- Select “Delimited” from the pop-up box and click next.


6- Select “Comma” from the delimiters tab and click next.


7-Choose “Text” format and click finish.


8- After saving the excel file, upload the file back into the StoreAutomator.


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