You can use StoreAutomator’s “bulk force update” of files to update your products’ quantity, price or product data in a single file. By using bulk update, you can update multiple products at once.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
1- Create a bulk file that contains the fields below, in this order:
First header: CommandForceUpdate.sku
Enter the Skus that need to be updated.
Second header: channel_name
Enter the correct channel name. Kindly ensure that the channel name you are using is identical just like in the SA UI.
Third header: force_update
Enter one of the valid values. Valid values are “all, product_data, quantity, price”.
If you select “all”, related SKUs will be updated as auto all types. (Includes product data, price and quantity)
2- After the adjustment, you can upload the file into the SA from the top right of the screen.
3- Click the Sync button in order to push the data into the channel.