How to Send Barcodes as CUSTOM to Walmart if You Have Product ID Exemption

You need to send “CUSTOM” for the product_id and “GTIN” for the product_id_type  to Walmart if you have product id exemption from Walmart. 

You can easily use this feature with SA with a bulk file or from UI. 

Via Bulk Action:

1- Go to your Walmart channel, select the related products and go to “Export>Export Overrides>Custom Overrides”


2- Select the “Product Id” and “Product Id Type” fields from the Identity tab and click the export.


3- Download the exported file from the “Notifications” from the top right.


These are the fields on the file.


You need to enter “CUSTOM” for the product_id and “GTIN” for the product_id_type headers in order to use this feature. 

You can delete the actual_asin, original_name and original_product_id headers before uploading the file into the SA.

4- Upload the file back into the SA from the top right after the adjustments.


Via Edit(beta)

1- Select the related products and click “Edit(beta)>Channel Overrides”.


2- Select the fields from the Identity tab and click Open Bulk Editor.


3- Enter “CUSTOM” for the product id and “GTIN” for the id type and save it.


4-Include your items to channel.

5-Sync the Walmart channel

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