You can export your repricer specific fields to bulk edit price fields. This is useful if you are working on multiple products and you want to update their repricer fields. Please note that the Repricer feature is only available for Amazon channels.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
1- Go to Channel>Channel Settings>Repricer Settings and select the products you want to export, then click “Export>Export Repricer Settings”
2- Download the file from the “Notifications” from the top right of the screen.
These are the field on the file.
In this file, you can enable or disable the repricer for the related SKUs or update their msrp and max min prices. You can also adjust margins and discounts by entering data on the related fields.
- repricing_enabled column: Valid Values “yes, no, true, false”
- max_discount column: Valid Values “0 to 1”
- target_margin column: Valid Values “0 to 1”
- target_price_diff_method column: Valid Values “fixed or percent”
- target_price_diff column: Valid Values “0 to 1” depending on the difference method
- ignore_fba_competition: Valid Values “none, ignore-fba, ignore-non-fba”
- competition_min_rating: Valid Values “1 to 5”
- ignore_price_deviation: Valid Values “0 to 1”
IMPORTANT NOTE: The first column is the channel repricer id column. Please don’t change the first column’s name in order to avoid any uploading error.
3- After the arrangements, upload the file back into SA from the top right.