It can often be really worthwhile to provide additional information on your products to help with their searchability and availability on the various marketplaces.
In SA, you can easily create custom fields to provide this additional information on related channels. You can also provide required fields from custom field data.
After you have created your custom fields, you can edit them from either a bulk file or directly from the user interface.
When creating your custom fields, you will notice that there are various custom field types either in a drop down list or line--text area.
This is the line text area custom field.
This is the drop down menu custom field.
Here are the steps to follow to create your custom fields:
1- Go to Inventory>Custom Fields and click the “Add Custom Field” button from the top right.
2- Provide a name and display name, then choose a type to the custom field, click “Create”.
- If you don’t know which type to use, use the line text area as the custom field type.
- “Display Name” and “Field Name” of the custom field can be defined differently.