If you have custom fields that you no longer use, it can be confusing to see them when you are adjusting your product data. To easily delete or edit your custom fields you have created please follow the following steps.
Go to Inventory>Custom Fields, find the custom field and click “Delete” action and confirm the process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure and check the data inside the custom fields is no longer required before deleting them.
Go to Inventory>Custom Fields, find the custom field you want to edit and click “Edit” from the “Actions”.
You can:
- Adjust both display and field name.
- Set a character limit for the field.
- Enter a default value for the custom field.
- Change the custom field type.
- Set Inheritance. There are two options for this feature. The first option is “use parent value if it is available”. With this, if the child products don’t have any data in the custom field, SA will automatically send the parent value for the children. The second option is “replace parent value”. When this option is selected, SA will replace the parent’s data inside the custom field.