How to Create Alias,Clones and AltSKUs with Bulk File

You can create Alt SKUs, Aliases and Clones for products in the SA platform. After inputting the required fields, you can import the file.

You don’t need to fill all of the columns in the bulk file but the first column must always be the  “MultichannelAlias.sku” field but the other columns can be in any order. StoreAutomator accepts various file formats such as .xlsx, .csv, .txt, .zip.

You can see the setup of the bulk file below.


MultichannelAlias.sku: This field is required. You must copy the master SKU into the column.

channel_name: This field is required. It is the name of the channel you want to create a new alt or alias SKUs.

alias_mode: This field is required. It is the operation mode for the new SKUs. You can decide the new SKUs that will be alternate, clone or alias by entering the valid values. The valid values are “none, clone, alias, altsku, alternate_sku

alias_sku: This field is required. You must specify a SKU for the new products. 

alias_parent_sku: If you want to merge the alt or alias SKUs under a parent, you must enter a SKU. If not, you can skip this column.

included: It is the inclusion status of the alternate or alias SKUs for the related channel. Valid values are “Yes, no, included, excluded, default”. If you send an empty cell, it automatically assigns default. 

update_inventory: This is not required. If you want to update the newly created SKUs as FBM or FBA, you can easily set it up with the valid values. Valid Values are “Yes, no, true, false”.

fast_listing: This is not required. If you want to enable fast listing on newly created SKUs, you can easily set it up with the valid values. Valid Values are “Yes, no, true, false”.

asin_override: This is not required. You can set asin override for newly created SKUs. 

enable_product_update: You can set product updates for the alternate or alias SKUs. Valid Values are “Yes, no, true, false”.

After you have made the necessary changes, please make sure you save the file and then upload the file back into SA.


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