Exporting Warehouse
You can export the warehouse fields with the custom export field selector. You can edit and upload the fields back into StoreAutomator.
Here are the steps:
1- Select the products and go to Export>Custom…
2- Select the fields from the Warehouse section.
3- Download the file from the “Notifications” from the top right.
These are the fields in the file.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To set “unit_of_content” enter the valid values (for pieces, type pcs or for kilograms, type kg) Valid Values= 'pcs','oz','kg','g','lb','floz','fl oz','l','ml','gal','inch','inches','m','mm','cm','ft','set' If you send null, It automatically switches to “pieces” as default.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to delete a specific field data, you must leave the cells as empty. This action will delete the data which you have already in SA, when you upload the file back into SA.
4- After the changes, upload the file back into SA.