Title Guidelines
1- Maximum 80 characters in length
2- Should be easy to read and describe the product’s top features
3- Title should be 100% unique
4- Should differentiate the product from other similar items
5- Title for bundles should include the base product and main items
6- Title for multipacks should include pack size, volume, length and other differentiators (if applicable)
7- Capitalize the first letter of each word except for article, conjunctions, prepositions and acronyms (title case)
8- Exclude articles and conjunctions as much as possible
9- Should not include misspelled words, special characters or special formatting, like all caps or bolded words
10- Can include the minus sign ("-") when part of brand or product name, or used to specify differentiating product feature (usually at the end of the title)
11- Must not contain false or misleading information
12- Do not use superlatives like “excellent” unless product did, in fact, win an award
13- Do not use plurals unless product comes in pairs, like gloves
14- Do not use the "+" sign in place of "and"
15- Do not include promotional text, conditions, prices, shipping options or irrelevant keywords
16- Do not include abbreviated or hyphenated words
17- Do not include foreign words unless commonly known or part of product name
18- Do not include HTML, links, email address or other contact information
19- Do no use profanities or offensive language
Description Guidelines
1- Maximum 4,000 characters
2- Unless you have explicit permission from a third party to use their description, you must write all your descriptions
3- All claims must be 100% factual
4- Include information about the brand, company or manufacturer
5- Write in a conversational manner that’s easy to understand
6- Highlight the top benefits of the product and information like size, shape, color and other notable features.
7- Always write in second or third person
8- Description for bundles should give information about all products and accessories, along with dimension of the box
9- Description for multipacks should include information about lot size
10- Do not include personal opinions, comparisons or negative comments
11- Do not use time-sensitive adjectives like “next generation” or “new”
12- Do not embed pictures
13- Do not include bulleted list
14- Do not mention a competitor’s marketplace
15- Same exclusion as Product Title Guidelines