How to fix Walmart Product ID Update-SKU Update Errors

If you are receiving the error message “The system cannot perform the update on the offer” then this means that both the SKU and ProductId fields combination are incorrect. 

To resolve this error message please update the SKU or ProductId and reattempt. A common problem might that your SKU in StoreAutomator differs from the Product ID found on Walmart Seller Central.


You may not update both fields at the same time so must update Product ID and then SKU field.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Select the products that need to be updated and click the three-dot icon>Advanced Sync Options>Update Product Skus”.


2- Wait 10 minutes for the feed to update.

3- Select the products again and click “Update Product Ids”


4- Wait 10 minutes for the feed to update.

Products should show in the platform as “passed to processing”.

If the issue persists, connect with the Support team for further investigation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You don’t need to sync the channel after updating the product id and skus. SA will automatically send the update feed.            


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