In the StoreAutomator system, the costs of the items are defined at inventory and channel levels. The inventory level only contains product cost. On the other hand, you can set shipping costs and handling costs for individual items at the channel level.
For shipping costs you can also define a shipping cost table at Menu > {Specific Channel} > Costs > Ship
To set the inventory level product costs;
Go to Menu > Inventory > Products
Click the edit button (pencil icon on the right)
In the product editor open the Pricing tab inside the General tab.
Click the “Not Set” button near the cost to enable cost entry.
Enter the desired cost and click save
Inventory level costs can also be uploaded in bulk.
To download the editable file, go to Menu > Inventory > Products.
Open the options menu on the “Export All” button on the upper right corner by clicking the down arrow.
Choose “Export Prices” or “Export No Cost” from the menu.
You will receive a notification when the export file is ready to be downloaded.
Notifications can be checked by clicking the bell button on the upper left corner.
Once you receive the notification, you can download the file by clicking the link within the notification.
After working on the file, save it and upload it to Menu > Tools > Import > From File > Upload.
To set the channel item level costs;
Go to Menu > {Specific Channel} > Channel Products
Click the edit button (green pencil on the right)
In the product editor open the Costs tab inside the General tab.
Set shipping and handling costs
Click save
Channel level costs can also be uploaded in bulk.
To download the editable file go to Menu > {Specific Channel} > Channel Products
Open the options menu on the “Export Overrides” button on the upper right corner by clicking the down arrow.
Choose “Export Costs” from the menu.
You will receive a notification when the export file is ready to be downloaded.
Notifications can be checked by clicking the bell button on the upper left corner.
Once you receive the notification, you can download the file by clicking the link within the notification.
After working on the file, save it and upload it to Menu > Tools > Import > Upload.