Overcome the hurdles while managing your image data with image labels.
Images are a fundamental component of your product data management especially if you are selling online. Over time, it can become quite an issue to organize and structure your image data based on your marketplace strategy. To overcome the hurdles frequently encountered while managing image data, StoreAutomator has introduced a feature called Image Labels.
You can assign as many labels as you need to help organize your images. Adding labels to images can be useful if you have too many images assigned to the items. Labeling also provides effective image usage for multiple marketplaces.
By labeling your product images you can easily include or exclude specific images on marketplaces and shopping carts listing using StoreAutomator’s advanced feature.
You can also pick and choose which image to send to a channel or block them from being sent. Labels are available to be set against every product.
To include or exclude images you must first assign a label to the image and you can do this by editing the product at the item level:
Choose the product you want to add the label and edit it while in Inventory>Products
Click on the Images tab
- Add a label to the image you would like to include to the channel or exclude from a channel
- Save and exit.
Next, you need to define the inclusion or exclusion rule. This rule is defined Channel-wise and is made through Channel> Channel Settings> Common> Content. In the content tab there are two switches controlling image sending to that channel:
- Include All Images by Default: This switch is enabled by default and all product images are sent to the channel. Disabling this switch causes all labels to be displayed underneath the text. Selected images will be sent to the channel.
- Exclude Images by Labels: When enabled you can see all labels under this switch; once the label box is checked, the image will be excluded from the channel.
If you like to exclude certain images, go with option 2 check the label you would like to exclude from the channel.
If you like to include certain images in the channel, first disable the “Include All Images by Default“ switch which subsequently shows all labels underneath it, and choose images you would like to send to the channel.