Assign Templates to Channels

You can assign a default data template for your channel, which will be used for all the channel products.

You can assign a default data template for your channel, which will be used for all of the channel's products.


To do this, first, select a channel to assign this template, and then go to


Menu > Channel Settings > Template.


The applicable templates for this channel are displayed in a dropdown menu. Select the template and save the template by clicking the Save button on the lower right corner of your screen.


Now we have saved the feed template. The system can create a feed file to be sent to the channel.

  1. To do this, click on the “Create a feed “ button towards the upper right corner.

  2. When the feed file is ready to download, a notification will be sent, which will appear as a red color badge with the number of notifications on the bell icon; click on the bell icon and select the file to download.

Preparing feed files takes some time depending on the number of products it is processing. You can use the update button to check if there is any progress on updates. Make sure to check the output file if it conforms to your preferences.


>> Assign Templates to Product Categories

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