Creating an Order Tracking Template in StoreAutomator

If you have created an Order Export Data Exchange channel (DX channel) in StoreAutomator (SA) to export orders to a remote system, your next step is to create an order tracking template. 

To create the order tracking template, log in to your StoreAutomator account and follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings> Templates and click “Add Template”. 

  1. Select the “Generic Input” template and click “+Create”

  1. Select “Order: ImportTrackingFlat” from the dropdown list and enter a name for your new template. Click “+Create”.

  1. Click “Edit” and then “Add Field” to start adding your template fields. You can add as many fields as necessary, matching the fields used by your remote system. E.g. Exenta

If using Exenta, obtain an up to date  list of the order tracking fields they use so you can map them in StoreAutomator. You can either manually add these fields to the template or upload an excel file with the up to date field list..

  1. To add a field, click on “Add field”, search for the required field (e.g. carrier field) and select it. In the Source Fields search box either type the field name so that it exactly matches the remote system or select it from the populate list, if you uploaded an Excel file. The input field (e.g. carrier) will automatically appear when you searching - select it and click “Ok”



  1. Repeat step #5 to add the rest of your fields and click “Save and Close”.


After you added all of your fields to the template, you need to assign that template to your channel. Go to your order export DX channel under Tools>DX Channels and click on the settings icon. Select “Template” and choose the template you just created in the “Choose Tracking Import Template” field and click “Save”. The example below shows an assigned template named “Import Tracking for Exenta”

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