Field Name |
Description |
Values |
ActualPrice |
[Repricer] Returns Actual Price of the item |
Numeric Value |
ActualPriceWithoutTax |
[Repricer] Returns Actual Price without Tax |
Numeric Value |
ActualShipCost |
[Repricer] Returns Actual Ship Cost of the item |
Numeric Value |
AliasMode |
Returns Alias Mode, 0=None, 1=Alias, 2=AltSKU |
Value |
AmazonProductType |
returns the Amazon Product Type |
string |
AmazonProductTypeXml |
returns the Amazon Product Type Xml |
string |
AmountOfContent |
Amount of Content |
value |
Asin |
Asin value of the item |
string |
AsinOverride |
Asin Override value of the item |
string |
AssumedCost |
Calculates and return Assumed Cost |
value |
Barcode |
Barcode number of the item |
value |
BarcodeOverride |
Barcode Override |
value |
BarcodeType |
Returns barcode type: 1=UPC, 2=EAN, 3=ISBN, 4=ASIN, 5=GCID, 6=GTIN, 7=EPID |
value |
BarcodeTypeOverride |
Barcode Type Override, types same as above |
value |
BrandName |
Brand Name |
string |
BrandNameOverride |
Brand Name Override |
string |
BulletPoints |
Amazon’s Bullet Points under tags.
Returns the Xth bulletPoints value of the array. Usage: bulletPoints[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
CamelCase |
Converts text to Camel Case |
Operator |
Categories |
Returns Categories
Returns the Xth Categories value of the array. Usage: categories[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
CategoryCodes |
Returns Category Codes |
string |
CategoryGroup |
Returns Category Group |
string |
CF |
CF – Abbreviation for custom field, This will let you access all user defined custom fields |
array |
ChannelDesi |
Channel Desi |
value |
ChannelShipTaxClassId |
Channel Ship Tax ClassId |
value |
ChannelShipTaxRate |
Channel Ship Tax Rate |
0<x<1 |
Condition |
Condition of the item: -1=None,
1=New,2=Used, 3=Collectible, 4=Refurbished, 5=Club, 6=NotUsed, 7=UsedLikeNew, 8=UsedVeryGood, 9=UsedGood, 10=UsedAcceptable. 11=CollectibleLikeNew, 12=CollectibleVeryGood, 13=CollectibleGood, 14=CollectibleAcceptable |
value |
Cost |
Cost |
value |
Count |
Count |
value |
CustomFields |
Custom Fields. This will let you access all user defined custom fields |
array |
DefaultInvQuantity |
Default Inventory Quantity this sent to channel |
value |
Description |
Description |
string |
Desi |
Desi |
value |
Discontinued |
Returns TRUE if Item is discontinued |
DisplayName |
Display Name |
string |
Ean |
Ean Number |
value |
FastListingEnabled |
Returns TRUE if Item is Fast Listing Enabled, |
FbaFee |
Returns the Fba Fee from Amazon |
value |
FullName |
Full Name |
string |
FullNameWithTaxonomy |
Adds Full Name and Taxonomy together |
Operator |
GetListingId |
Get Listing Id and returns |
Operator |
GetParentChannelRemoteId |
Get Parent Channel’s Remote Id and returns |
Operator |
GetRemoteId |
GetRemote Id and returns |
Operator |
HandlingCost |
Handling Cost |
value |
Id |
Product Id, same as SKU |
value |
ImageUrl |
Returns Image Url |
Url Address |
ImageUrls |
Returns Image Url of the Xth image from the array.
ImageUrls[x]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character |
Array, 0<x<10, URL address |
InventoryDescription |
Product description in inventory |
string |
InventoryName |
Name in Inventory |
string |
InventoryPrice |
Price in Inventory |
value |
InventoryQuantity |
Quantity in Inventory |
value |
InventoryShortDescription |
Short description in Inventory |
string |
InventoryWarningLevel |
Inventory Warning Level |
value |
Isbn |
Isbn |
value |
IsChild |
Returns True if item Is a Child |
IsFba |
Returns True if item Is FBA |
IsFreeShipping |
Returns True if item has Free Shipping option |
IsInStock |
Returns True if item Is In Stock |
IsLowStock |
Returns True if item Is Low in Stock |
IsMain |
Returns True if item Is a Main item |
IsNew |
Returns True if item Is New as condition |
IsOnSale |
Returns True if item Is marked as On Sale |
IsParent |
Returns True if item Is a Parent |
IsSingle |
Returns True if item Is a Single item |
IsSwatch |
Returns True if item Is a Swatch image |
ItemHeight |
Item Height |
value |
ItemLength |
Item Length |
value |
ItemPackageQuantity |
Item Package Quantity |
value |
ItemType |
ItemTypes: 1=Normal, 2=Kit, |
value |
ItemWeight |
Item Weight |
value |
ItemWidth |
Item Width |
value |
LandedPrice |
[Repricer] returns the Landed Price |
value |
LastModified |
LastModified |
Date |
Length |
Item Length |
value |
ListingId |
Returns ListingId |
value |
Location |
Location of item |
String |
MainCategory |
Returns Main Category of the item |
string |
MainCategoryCode |
Returns Main Category Code |
string |
Map |
Max. Advertised Price |
value |
MaskingQuantity |
Returns the Masking Quantity |
value |
MaxInboundShipCost |
Returns the Max Inbound Shipping Cost |
value |
MaxPrice |
[Repricer] Max Price of item |
value |
MetaDescription |
Meta Description |
string |
MetaKeywords |
Meta Keywords |
string |
MetaTitle |
Meta Title |
string |
MfgCode |
Manufacturer Code |
value |
MinPrice |
[Repricer] Min Price |
value |
Msrp |
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price |
value |
Name |
Name |
string |
NameWithoutBrand |
Returns product Name without Brand in the front |
Operator |
NoCostSku |
No Cost Sku |
string |
NonChildSku |
Non Child Sku |
string |
NonParentSku |
Non Parent Sku |
string |
Notes |
Returns Notes |
string |
NumberOfItems |
Number Of Items |
value |
OptionName |
Option Name |
string |
OptionType |
Option Type |
string |
Orderable |
Returns True If the product is Orderable |
True, False |
OtherAttributes |
Amazon’s OtherAttributes under tags.
Returns the Xth otherAttirbutes value of the array. Usage: otherAttributes[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
Parent |
Parent |
string |
Parentage |
Parentage, 0=Single, 1=Parent, 2=Child |
value |
ParentSku |
Returns Parent Sku of item |
string |
Price |
Price |
value |
PriceFactor |
Price Factor |
value |
PriceMatchItem |
[Repricer] Price Match Item |
Operator |
PriceMatchPrice |
[Repricer] Price Match Price |
Operator |
PriceWithoutTax |
[Repricer] Price Without Tax |
Operator |
ProperCase |
Converts string to Proper Case |
Operator |
Quantity |
Item Quantity |
value |
RemoteId |
Item RemoteId |
string |
RepricingEnabled |
Returns TRUE if Repricing Enabled for this item |
True, False |
SaleCount |
[Repricer] Sale Count for this item |
value |
SalePrice |
Sale Price |
value |
SalePriceEndDate |
Sale Price End Date |
Date |
SalePriceStartDate |
Sale Price Start Date |
Date |
SalePriceWithoutTax |
Sale Price Without Tax |
value |
SearchTerms |
Amazon’s SearchTermsunder tags.
Returns the Xth searchTerms value of the array. Usage: searchTerms[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
SecondaryImageUrls |
Secondary Image Urls.
Returns Image Url of the Xth image from the array. Usage: ImageUrls[x]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character |
Array, 0<x<5 |
SeoName |
Seo Name |
string |
ShipCost |
Shipping Cost |
value |
ShipDays |
Shipping preparation Days |
value |
ShipPrice |
Shipping Price |
value |
ShipTemplate |
ShipTemplate |
string |
ShipWeight |
Shipping Weight |
value |
ShortDescription |
Returns the Short Description |
string |
Sku |
Item Sku |
string |
SkuOverride |
Returns Item Sku Override |
string |
Slug |
Item Slug |
string |
SwatchImageUrl |
Returns Swatch Image Url |
URL address |
Tags |
Amazons Tags, select one of the leafs:
Bullet points, Search Terms, Used for, Other Attributes, Target Audience. |
Array |
TargetAudience |
Amazon’s TargetAudience under tags.
Returns the Xth targetAudience value of the array. Usage: usedFor[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
TaxClassId |
TaxClassId |
value |
Taxonomy |
Taxonomy |
string |
TaxRate |
Tax Rate |
0<x<1 |
ToLowercase |
Converts text to to Lowercase |
Operator |
ToUppercase |
Converts text to to Uppercase |
Operator |
ToUrl |
Converts text to ToUrl |
Operator |
ToXml |
Converts text to ToXml |
Operator |
UnCatSku |
Returns UnCategorized Skus |
Operator |
UnitOfContent |
Returns Unit Of Content of item |
value |
Upc |
Returns Upc code of the item |
value |
Url |
Returns the Product Url for Shopify |
URL Address |
UsedFor |
Amazon’s UsedFor under tags.
Returns the Xth “usedFor” value of the array. Usage: usedFor[X]. Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<5 |
VideoUrl |
Returns VideoUrl |
Url data |
VideoUrls |
Returns Video Url of the Xth Video. Usage: VideoUrls[X], Also, returns All Values in the array separated by a separating character. |
Array, 0<x<10 |