Product Options Mapping

Options mapping is assigning Product Options to Channel Product Options through mapping inventory categories to channel categories. For example, you have two option sets (Set 1: Color and Set 2: Size), and clothing categories, you are selling these on Walmart; you can set your inventory categories to corresponding Walmart categories and assign different Sets; Assign Set 1 (Your Color: Transparent to Walmart Valid Color: Clear) and Set 2 ( Your Size: X-Large to Walmart Valid Size:XL)

Options mapping is a twofold operation:


1. Assign a product its options and internal categories,

2. Assign Internal Categories to Channel’s categories and select the options set to complete mapping


Options mapping is done on the Product Editing Page by assigning options and Categories to a product simultaneously. Options can be mapped to products while creating a new product or during editing. Go to Products Page:

  1. Menu > Inventory > Products and then click on the “Parents” Tab.

  2. Choose the product you want to perform Options Mapping and click on its “Edit” button.

  3. The “Category” tab is the tab to perform this operation; you can assign a product category from your inventory to this product.

  4. Find the product category or categories you want to assign to this product and click on their checkboxes,

  5. Click on Save and close to save your work.


When a product category has been assigned to a product, this category appears in Channel > Mappings under the “Options” tab. It becomes available to be linked to some product category under a channel.

  1. Go to Menu > Channel > Mappings and then click on the “Options” Tab.

  2. In the list, you can see the Inventory Categories you have assigned to products earlier,

  3. Choose the Inventory Category you want to work on and Click on the plus sign (+) to view all options linked to this inventory category,

  4. Next to Options, there is the drop-down menu, which contains Channels Options; chose a Channel Option.

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