How to Do a Bulk Price Update

  • Go to inventory > Products,

  • Select products you want to change prices,

  • Click on edit products (Beta),

  • Select price from the long list of product attributes,

  • Click on open bulk editor,

  • And edit the price,

  • Click on save and close editor.

Or you can use an export file to update prices:

  • Select a product, it does not matter which one was selected,

  • Click on 'Export>Custom',

  • Select price from the long list of product attributes,

  • Click on Export,

  • When the file is ready download the file to your computer,

  • Open the file and enter all SKUs and their respective prices in the file,

  • Save your file,

  • Click on upload or go to Tools>Import>From File

  • And drop the file in the shaded area

Using this method you can update any fields you like at inventory or channel level. After the drop you can check if the file had any errors in it by going to Tools>Import>History. In this list, you can find your file and towards right, there is 'Results' where you can see any errors during the upload by clicking on it.


Or you can create your own Microsoft Excel file:

  • Open Microsoft Excel

  • In the Cell A1 write: 'productdata.sku'

  • In the second column header write 'price'

  • You can also include costs; this helps with the Profit/Loss analysis

  • Starting from the second row down, you can list all the SKUs that you want change the prices, and you can write the corresponding price in the second column for the respective SKU,

  • Make sure to have only one sheet in the excel file -StoreAutomator will return an error if a Microsoft Excel sheet has more than one sheets.

  • Save your file,

  • Click on upload or go to Tools>Import>From File

  • And drop the file in the shaded area

It is recommended to use Export file option over creating your own file, since with export option you don't need to worry about writing the fields incorrectly- they will be chosen from a list and written automatically.

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