How to Update the Variation Options with Bulk File on Inventory Level

You can now change your products’ variation options by using a bulk file. You need to add a new column to the exported product file and give it a header called “update_variation_options” then specify for each product whether you want the system to update these options by including “yes” against the relevant product. When you upload the completed file back into StoreAutomator, your variations options will be changed for the specific products. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: This update will affect your inventory level data which means these changes affect all channels these products are included already on. Please, use it with caution.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1- Find the parent-variations group and click the “Export>Custom..” in the inventory.

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2- Find and export the fields “Parentage, Parent SKU, Variation Options, Variation Types”.

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3- Download the file from the “Notifications” from the top right of the screen.

metin içeren bir resim

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

4- In the exported file,

  • Add the “update_variation_options” column to the file.
  • You can use “yes” or “true” as the valid values for updating the variation options.

5- Upload the file back into the SA from the top right.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don’t add this header into your file and upload the file back into SA, the changes won’t be reflected in the products.

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