How to Upload NewEgg Item Numbers to your NewEgg Products in StoreAutomator

How to upload NewEgg Item Numbers to your NewEgg products in StoreAutomator

To start connecting with your existing listings in your NewEgg channel, you need either UPC code or NewEgg Item Number. Item number cannot be uploaded into SA using the regular Product ID and Product ID Type fields. Instead, you can upload your product’s item number individually or using a bulk file using the ASIN Override field. 

  • To upload the Item Number to an individual item, go to the NewEgg channel and click on Channel>Channel Products. Locate your product and click the Edit button located on the far-right side of the item. Put the Item Number in the ASIN Override empty field under the General Tab and click Save & Close.

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  • To upload Item Numbers in bulk, go to your NewEgg channel and click on Channel>Channel Products. Select the product you want to add Item Numbers to and click on the Export button like shown below and click on Export Overrides>Custom Overrides. Select the ASIN Override field and click Export.

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On your exported file, fill out the data for the ASIN Override column, save and re-upload to StoreAutomtor.

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