Template Source Fields Advance Settings

For every field you offered by a marketplace/channel you can map to a source field in SA. In addition, the field that you are mapping to can follow a heirachy and this offers a number of benefits.

Here is an example:


In the above picture you can see that the first custom field is in “Source Field 0”, the second is in “Source Field 1” and the third is in “Source Field 2”, which is also set as a “Free Text” field.

If the first source (Source 0) had of been empty, then Source Field 1 is tried. If Source Field 1 was also empty then is color field will try to use the second source. If the second source was also empty then in example above, the color field used will be a free text value of “Multicolored” (the value in Source 2). 

The benefit of setting it it up this way - especially for required fields  - is that you will avoid error messages because you are sending values. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember that if you use “Free Text” source in the template, the value will be used for all products whose related custom fields are empty.

You can check the look of this structure you made for the products by clicking “Template Preview” from the top right.


In this picture, you can see that color custom fields have data inside because the free text value you have entered is not displaying on the preview.


In this picture, you can see that custom fields have no data inside and free text value is displayed.

You can also use “Use All Fields” to line these fields by their source fields. To use this feature, you need to use “Output Format”. With this, you can send all three fields as one data. You can combine them by curly brackets. 


You can also change source formats placements in order to define these fields’ orders. For each source field, you need to use curly brackets.

Example: {1},{2},{0}

You can also use different joint separators among them.

Example: {1}-{2}-{0}

You check the look of the field from “Template Preview”.


Sources on the template defines the order of the fields sending to the remote channel. When you map your custom field or free text value to the target field on the remote channel, the fields you have mapped starts from “Source 0” as first field to “Source X”. 

You can also arrange the structure of the fields and set a specific order for the fields in order to send the channel. You can also define the sources with curly brackets in “Output Format”. You can combine these fields into an array by choosing this option. This can be useful if you are using array fields like Bulletpoints or Search Terms. 

Here is an example for Bulletpoints:


In the above picture, sources are defined in an order from 0 to 4 when sending bulletpoints to the remote channel. This means that first bulletpoint will be coming from Source 0 and second from Source 1 e.g. This structure is basically the same bulletpoints structure on your products. 

By choosing “Combine Fields into an Array”, you are addressing that all sources will be using as an array when sending the field to the remote channel.

You can preview the structure you are using on a SKU by clicking “Template Preview” from the top right.


In the above picture, you can see that all bulletpoints are merged as an array. 

You can also set “Joint Separator” from “Advance” if you want.



Price and Number Formatting

There is number formatting available when sending number fields, the formatting can be defined after defining the source, putting a column and then the number formatting afterwards. Below is a good example for this.

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