You can create new listings on Amazon by using the Flat file system in StoreAutomator.
First, download the flat file template from Amazon Seller Central according to the last leaf of the category of your product type.
Ensure you download one template at a time. If you download 2 templates at the same time, they will be combined.
Note: To download the template, in “Amazon Seller Central”, click the “Inventory”, and click “Add Product via Upload” and find the “Leaf Category” and download the template
Go to “Settings>Templates” and click the “Add Template” button on the top right.
After you click Add Template you need to select “Amazon”; assuming you are going to match your data to Amazon. When you click the Amazon icon, choose the feed type as “Flat”. Give a name to the template and start to “Edit”.
Click the “Amazon Flat Source File” tab on the top of the opening pop-up box and “Upload” your flat file. After you add a Flat file, template fields will emerge.
Go to “Field Mapping” and you can start to edit every field.
NOTE: Most of the fields will be auto populated after uploading the excel file into the SA.
Click to edit “feed_product_type” and click to “show possible options”, choose “Free Text” to write the possible option. This exact path is also required for the “item_type” field.
NOTE: Even though most of the fields will be auto populated, you need to consider this action when you are cloning a template for a different category. Because, for a different category template “item_type” and “feed_product_type” fields have different possible options.
NOTE: You need to do this kind of action to other required fields which have “Possible Options”. For example, you must enter the correct possible options for “variation_theme” as a free text.
bateries_required=#No (free text)
supplier_declared_material_regulation1=#Not Applicable (free text)
product_tax_code=#... (free text)
If you want to send additional data, you can map Amazon fields to already existing target fields on StoreAutomator. For example, if you want to map fabric type, find the correct target field and type “Product”, and select it. (Which automatically emerges after you typed it.) Type “CustomFields” which also emerges after you type it. At last, type the custom field’s name.
NOTE: These fields won’t be auto populated after uploading the template and they can be seen as “Null”. Some of them may be required fields. If so, you can’t skip to fill these fields.
However, you need to be careful about the accuracy of required fields. If you don’t edit correctly, you can’t add your product’s information to Amazon. After you have edited all the fields, you can click the “Save and Close” button.
NOTE: The required fields can usually be seen above the “main_image_url” target field in the SA UI. Or you can double check the required fields from the valid values of the template in the excel file.
After you mapped Amazon Flat File fields, you need to assign the template to your product. To do that, go to “Channel>Channel Products” and click on the “Edit” icon.
Scroll down in the “General” tab, find and activate “Item Template” from “Inherit” to “Override”. Find your Flat file from the dropdown menu template you created and assign it. After you finished, click “Save and Close”.