Learn how to create Walmart super parents by using StoreAutomator multichannel listing management software.
Super parents are parents of parents. The below figure explains how the parent, super parent relationship works. This feature is useful for grouping all variants under one parent, and therefore customers can see all variants of a product on one page. Customers navigate through each color and size, by clicking on different colors and selecting sizes from dropdown menus. With this way traveling to other pages and customer distraction is avoided.
The figure shows there are color parents created, each one has size variations underneath them and connecting all color parents under one super parent that is above all color families. Super parent relationships must be supported by the remote channel. Walmart and Amazon are the only channels that support super parent relationships.
To create super parents you must have existing parent-child relationships amongst your products. For example, while referring to the figure, Red, Blue, Black, and White parents and their children must already be created. Product families must be included in the channel and successfully listed. To check the listing you can simply click on the title of the product to see if it has a link to the product page.
The Procedure
Switch to the channel that you want to create a super parent relationship. Once you have all color families and their size variants underneath them, and successfully listed on the channel, you can start.
First, a super parent SKU must be identified. Once you have the SKU name, this SKU must be entered into each color parent as an SKU Override, following the below steps:
1. Edit a color parent in by clicking on the Pen button towards the right.
2. In the general and Identity tab, there is “SKU Override”,
3. Write the super parent SKU in this text box,
4. Save and exit,
5. Do the steps from 1 through 4 for each color parent,
6. Check all products and make sure that parent and children’s Product Data Updates are on. If a product has a warning underneath its title, “Product Data Off” this means the update has been turned off, and in the next sync this product will not be sent to the remote channel.
To turn on product data updates type the super parent name in the search box,
Click “Select All” and choose “Select all Matching Items”
Click on the Bulk Actions button and select “Product Data Update” and select “Allowed”. This will turn on Product Data Updates for all selected products and the Warning is removed.
7. When ready Select all parents and children SKUs. Type the super parent name in the search box click “Select All” and choose “Select all Matching Items”
8. Click on the Bulk Actions button and select “Force Update” and “Product Data”. This will update all selected products
9. Click on Sync Button and click on Yes.
This will send the necessary feed to the channel to create Super Parents and locate all variants on one product page
Parent SKU overrides can be entered into Parent SKU in bulk. Once you identify the Super Parent SKU:
1. Select all parent SKUs by clicking on the checkbox that needs the Super Parent SKU override,
2. Click on the Bulk Actions button,
3. And choose “Edit” and choose “Channel Overrides”
4. This will open a new dialog box that includes all overridable information
5. Click on “SKU Override” and click on Button “Open Bulk Editor”,
6. Enter the same Super Parent SKU to all parents that are listed on top of each other.
7. Click on Save and close,
8. Check all products and make sure that parent and children’s Product Data Updates are on. If a product has a warning underneath its title, “Product Data Off” this means the update has been turned off, and in the next sync this product will not be sent to the remote channel.
To turn on Product data updates, Type the super parent name in the search box,
Click “Select All” and chose “Select all Matching Items”
Click on the Bulk Actions button and select “Product Data Update” and select “Allowed”. This will Turn on Product Data Updates for all selected products, and the Warning is removed.
9. When ready Select all parents and children SKUs,
Type the super parent name in the search box
Click “Select All” and chose “Select all Matching Items”
10. Click on the Bulk Actions button and select “Force Update” and “Product Data”. This will update all selected products
11. Click on Sync Button and click on Yes.